Asbestos Management Plan

If your survey or assessment shows that asbestos containing materials (ACM) are present (or are likely to be present), regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAWR) 2012 requires the duty holder* to produce a written plan recording:-

  • The risks from such known or presumed ACMs as identified in the assessment.
  • Measures to be taken to reduce or eliminate any risks, including risk assessments and method statements where work on ACMs is to be undertaken in house
  • A plan for the continuous monitoring and maintenance of known or presumed ACM’s until removal of them is necessary. The results of the continuous monitoring must be recorded.

Regular reviews of all elements of the plan must take place, particularly risk assessments accounting for any change of use of the building. The plan when complete should identify all risks associated with the asbestos containing materials within the building (regardless of how low the risk is) and the measures in place to reduce them.

The plan must be available to anyone (employees, contractors and/or visitors to the building) liable to disturb any of the known or presumed asbestos containing materials within the premises. This includes the emergency services.

cba asbestos can maintain your asbestos management plan and the associated documents.

* person or persons who either own and occupy or who has under the terms and conditions of their tenancy or contract, an obligation, be it limited or not, to maintain and or repair the non-domestic premises which they occupy and in which they carry out their work.